My New Pairs Of Shoes

Just the other day I got two new pairs of shoes. My new shoes have the brand of AND1, and Shaquille O’Neil. The Shaquille O’Neil shoes are light grey, white, black, and grey. That was the description of my Shaquille O’Neil shoes. Now, onto my second new pair of shoes. My AND1 shoes are all black with green highlighted looking shoe laces, and for my final detail, the bottom of the shoes are white with a little bit of that highlighted looking green color swirl on the bottom of the AND1 shoes. I hope you can figure out how to see the shoes through a visualisation. Good luck readers.

One comment


  1. izzyn2014 · March 12, 2015 at 2:48 pm ·

    Dear Noah,
    I am surprised to see you posting. I saw you shoes they are pretty cool. I have a pear like that but the green and white!
